
DayZ Ops One

[Watching the live stream of 5hizzle as he plays Dayz. Wrote this as his character explore Dayz. Overly exaggerated description and undermined story flow.]

Hiding behind the concrete wall, still heaving loud and audible in the quiet surroundings, Carl could not believe his arms was still holding the fully-loaded fire extinguisher high in the air, and next to his shoulder.


The next thing Carl knew when he woke up, he was in a field of golden willow, and a vast, open field with trees scattered around. The cool season wind swept by, caress his glinting forehead. The dampness clung to his back renewed the sensation of a different kind of pain, which ripples in waves, stinging the shallowness of his skins, the depth of his bones. Carl bent his arms and heard a crack, followed by the suppressed cry.

Emptiness and loneliness lingered at his feet. The ruffled trees and tall grasses signified his sole existence at this space. His left foot followed his right foot, while his right foot stepped after his left foot. Carl could not remember which foot first started the walk, but he was glad, when, after a few minutes of solitary walk, he arrived at the edge of a town. A sand-washed place, buildings with broken windows and fallen red bricks. His steps resonated loudly as he walked through a street.

After he had crossed the town, a grey smoke signaled him to move forward. And at the foot of that cloud of smoke, Carl found the place familiar, a strange feeling filled his chest and messed with his brain. He seemed to be here just moments ago. Then as he continued circling around the area, the dusty, red extinguisher waved at him.

So strange, too strange. Carl wandered off mindlessly until he stumbled over something and fell into a tall brush. His hands, scared, his lips leaking red, but he felt no pain, but fear. Right before him, the corpse,  fresh with a puddle of dark red blood creeping away, had the look of being frozen suddenly in time. That unnaturally wild eyes and dropping cheeks seemed to be sending some kind of message. An army poked Carl at his stomach, and he could felt them rushing through his throat and nose.


The gravel road ran long, and straight. On the other end, the currently visible end, was the reflection of the a magical palace, a place where Carl could seek the asylum of peace. Though its bare existence was being questioned by Carl's master degree.

Things were a little bit easier this time. Carl jogged and ran and skipped instead of walking the loser walk. His black t-shirt was gone when he found a long, green jacket on a shabby pick-up truck. He discovered now that he had a long sleeves, his forearms no longer stung him when sweat ran past, reaching for the finger tips.

The golden sun blinded him as he ran on the soft yellow grass. The sandy soil underneath, almost uninhabitable, catered for these lowly plant as if to redeem for their sins unbeknownst to human.

The spot of the sun's glare remained as Carl stumbled into another town, with more unattended houses and lonely barn houses. Every room he entered, he saw the purple spot on the center left of his sight. It was as annoying as the sweat on his forehead that would occasionally be absorbed by his eyelids.

Quitting the abandoned town, a moist wind touched Carl's torched lips. His eyes, darting around, surveying the empty landscape, could not find a hint as where the spring was. So he went with the second best option, he followed his nose, his lips, and his guts. He went left, always correcting himself over the general direction toward the stream. Sometimes he stop and scatter his ears out into the wild; sometimes he lay down on the ground, almost kissing the dirt, and listen to the advice  from the earth.

His nose moved left and right. The closer he thought he was there, the more aggressive he stepped on the grass, leaving a visible footprint on the soft dirt.

He knew he had made the right choices when he plunged into the stream and opened his mouth and galloped water into his body like a fish. Except human is not fish, and when he eventually rose to the surface and had his breath of air, he was immediately coughing and gasping and choking, it all happened at once. His eyes did not open until his body resumed full  air circulation.


Somehow, on his hand, lit a bright red object. It hurt him like the sun, but he was in a dark room, and he could not have found it more useful than annoying.

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