
Live Another Day
Episode 5

Episode 5 cleared Jack's name, which have also taken him away from the front line until he was called by the president.

I admire how they squeezed every minutes with tension and contents. The multiple viewpoints at different groups had a distinct profile, which separated them apart for the audience and minimized the confusion. The close-up takes are important and genuine, but the dialogue seemed dull and unstressed, except for the terrorist who was going to destroy London. Nonetheless, the ending with Margot gunning down Navid, shows how determined and brutal the Al-Harazi have became. Her actions is irrational and aggressive in a way that is over complicated. She has the brain to pull this stunt, an eye for an eye. She plotted this drone attack to get back what the US government had done to her husband, and it was very brilliant of her to even come up with such an idea. She must have Googled it, and found out that it was possible to gain absolute remote control of the drone by third parties. What a smart, grieving woman.

Take a look at her daughter, Simone. She is exactly what a monster mother would bring up with. Because of her mother's influence, she suffered deeply. Her actions were based not on natural emotional responses, but by the eyes of her mother. She had no control over herself, and that makes me wonder what did Margot do to her before, way before Margot ordered to cut off her fingers. Margot must have done something way worse than physical abuse to get that kind of supreme regulation on her. I feel sorry for her, she could have be so much more, if she wasn't in a limited environment.

On the other hand, the hackers backing Jack retrieved the data in-time to validate the concreteness of the malicious attack as was initiated by Margot Al-Harazi. And at a later time, they discovered the site that the CIA was raiding had been a set-up, and warned-off the leading agent, thus, saved a few life. Hacker in 24 was presented in both ways. One that fallen into crime because they can do it, and one that aided in solving crime because they want to do it. This distinguished the desire and the ability in the same identity, which was kind of criticizing the hackers who work as hired hands, and encouraging them, or even promoting a mutual cooperation with the government. I'm sure 24 has a hidden political agenda I just ain't seeing yet.

Jack was behind the TV for a good chunk of time in this episode, no close-quarter-combat, no gun-shooting, no difficult choices to make. He seemed to have accomplish most of what he had wished for. The reunion between him and Audrey was brief, but needed. I can't judge Jack. No one should judge Jack. He knows what he's doing, and he's going to stop the attack no matter what.

But Jack isn't that guy who will take a bullet for anyone everytime. He would rather let you die and achieve his goal than getting himself the dying moan. He's that kind of soldier who went to the battlefield to kill the enemies but not to serve the country. And he survived after all these years because he knows it works all the time.

We don't just do what others want us to do. We gotta find what's best for us. It mind be a lame thing to say, but it's true. Only you know who you are and what you are make of, your decisions are yours to make, and the consequences are yours to take. Don't believe me? Believe Jack.

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